Nicholas Meat FYI

Thanks for Asking! What does Nicholas Meat Produce & Where Does it Go?

July 10, 2024

More than 30 years ago, Nicholas Meat was founded in central Pennsylvania. Since then, this facility has continued to evolve and innovate by providing beef to families in the U.S. and abroad in the most sustainable way possible while protecting the natural resources in the area we call home.

Thanks for Asking! What is the Status of the Sustainability Resource Facility (SRF)?

May 30, 2024

Currently, construction of the Sustainability Resource Facility (SRF) is at a standstill. Unfortunately, the local Greene Township Supervisors are preventing this project from moving forward to completion. What is the issue? It is difficult for us to understand why the local supervisors have placed a roadblock to such a beneficial project for the community. Greene Township Supervisors have imposed an Improvement Guarantee (financial security) on Nicholas Meat for the SRF.

Summer Is Here and So Is the Summer Quarterly

May 30, 2024

The Nicholas Meat Quarterly Summer edition is now available. In this latest edition, you’ll find information about our new cattle barn, tips about firing up the grill, and an article about the status of the ...

Grilling Basics: It’s Time to Fire Up the Grill!

May 13, 2024

It’s time to fire up the grill—unless you’re one of the nearly 50 percent of people who grill year-round! With the Memorial Day weekend just around the corner, many of us will be planning an ...

We Were in the News!

April 30, 2024

Exciting news! Nicholas Meat has been making headlines. We recently had the privilege of being interviewed by Joanne Cleaver at Meatingplace. The focus was on our new cattle barn, a testament to our commitment to ...

Nicholas Meat Quarterly: Cattle Barn Construction Update

April 2, 2024

The Nicholas Meat Spring Quarterly is now available. In this latest edition, you’ll find updates on the progress of the new cattle barn, information about beef as part of a healthy diet, and news on ...

Celebrating Earth Day Every Day. Nicholas Meat’s Commitment to Sustainability

March 30, 2024

Earth Day 2024 is just around the corner but at Nicholas Meat, it’s treated like any other day. Why? Because we don’t think about sustainability once a year – we live and breathe the practice daily throughout our operation. Founded more than 30 years ago in the beautiful Sugar Valley of central Pennsylvania, Nicholas Meat provides jobs to more than 425 hard-working employees and supports area farmers by providing a market for their cattle.

Celebrating National Ag Day

March 11, 2024

Agriculture enriches our lives every day. March 22 is National Ag Day, an opportunity to elebrate the contribution of agriculture to our community.

Thanks for Asking: Can beef be part of a healthy diet?

March 1, 2024

Often, when eating for a healthy heart, people will believe that their favorite foods, like beef, must be eliminated from their diet. This couldn't be farther from the truth! Lean beef helps support a strong body by providing important nutrients to build and replenish muscles, and among all the muscles in your body, your heart is arguably the most important.

Did You Know? Beef Is Sustainable

February 20, 2024

U.S. cattle farmers and ranchers produce the most sustainable beef in the world through decades of improvement and innovation. According to the University of California-Davis CLEAR Center, the U.S. is expected to produce three times more beef in 2024 with 87.15 million head of cattle, the lowest since 1951. The industry is producing more beef with fewer cattle through improved breeding, better nutrition and health, genetics and breeding, and other management practices.

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