Nicholas Meat FYI

Nicholas Meat Celebrates One Year Anniversary of SRF Groundbreaking

May 25, 2022

It was just one short year ago that we broke ground on the Sustainable Resource Facility (SRF). The event celebrated the innovative and comprehensive environmental management system that will allow Nicholas Meat to reuse water, ...

Sustainable Resource Facility featured in Design, Develop, Construct Journal

February 21, 2022

The innovative design of Nicholas Meat’s Sustainable Resource Facility, which is now under construction, is featured in the latest issue of Design Develop Construct Journal. The article highlights advanced techniques of the project that will ...

Winter Nicholas Meat Quarterly Available

February 14, 2022

The Winter edition of Nicholas Meat Quarterly is now available online. February is commonly known as Heart Health Month and we’re happy to report that beef is part of a heart-healthy diet. All beef is ...

Site Transformed Since Breaking Ground at Sustainable Resource Facility Location

December 29, 2021

Just a year ago, the Nicholas Meat Sustainable Resource Facility (SRF) site was covered in trees and grass and the company was awaiting approval of its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPEDES) permit. Today, the 40-plus acre SRF site, located across Hwy. 80 from the Nicholas Meat facility, is transformed into an active construction site that will be home to an innovative and comprehensive environmental management system.

Packer Creates Conservation Area During Building Project

December 27, 2021

Lancaster Farming By Tom Venesky. Nicholas Meat is spending an estimated $50 million on a new waste-to-energy unit, and the company recently added $800,000 to the project to improve the environment. The Loganton, Pennsylvania, building, which will ...

Conservation Reserve Completed!

November 23, 2021

We’re so excited to check this off the list – development of the Nicholas Meat Conservation Reserve is complete. This new conservation site is compensation for the forested riparian buffer and watercourse impacts that will occur ...

SRF Progress and Conservation Reserve Update

September 20, 2021

The tract of land just north of the plant awaits construction of the Sustainable Resource Facility (SRF), a comprehensive waste treatment facility that will include anaerobic digesters, an advanced wastewater treatment facility, and a complete organic waste-to-energy facility.

Please Excuse the Extra Traffic in the Neighborhood

September 8, 2021

The tract of land just north of the plant awaits construction of the Sustainable Resource Facility (SRF), a comprehensive waste treatment facility that will include anaerobic digesters, an advanced wastewater treatment facility, and a complete organic waste-to-energy facility.

Construction Management Firm Selected

August 16, 2021

LOGANTON, PA. (Aug. 16, 2021) — Nicholas Meat LLC has selected Quandel Construction Group, Inc. (Quandel) as the construction management firm to oversee the development of its industry-leading Sustainable Resource Facility (SRF), an innovative and ...

Nicholas Meat Celebrates Official Groundbreaking of the Sustainable Resource Facility

May 26, 2021

It was more than five years in the making, but on May 26, 2021, Nicholas Meat officially broke ground on its Sustainable Resource Facility (SRF). The event, attended by 60 people, including Pennsylvania Secretary of ...

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