Nicholas Meat is committed to the well-being, proper handling and humane harvest of all the animals that are used in our beef products. Our team considers animal welfare an ethical responsibility. Animal handling along with food safety are of the utmost importance to us. We excel in providing our customers with the highest quality beef products they value and expect.
Nicholas Meat operates under a Robust Systematic Approach to Humane Handling. This program is comprised of several sub programs that are based on the guidelines developed by the Meat Institute. We recognize the ethical and scientific responsibilities of humane animal handling and abide by all Meat Institute guidance, established industry expectations, and governmental regulations pertaining to the humane treatment and handling of animals. Nicholas Meat ensures all aspects of animal well-being through proper training of our employees, internal auditing of our processes, and annual auditing conducted by an independent third party.
We also have management on staff that are certified by the Professional Animal Auditor Certification Organization. PAACO is a widely respected industry organization whose mission is to promote the humane treatment of animals through education and certification. PAACO follows the guidelines of renowned animal behaviorist, Dr. Temple Grandin, well-known for designing humane handling systems for cattle-processing facilities in the U.S.