What’s the Story on Winter Application of FPR?

February 8, 2022

Many have asked if the land application of Food Processing Residuals (FPR) during periods of inclement winter weather is permitted. Simply put, yes, it is. Nicholas Meat and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) have reached an agreement that includes updated Best Management Practices (BMPs) allowing for the safe land application of FPR during inclement winter weather. The BMPs, officially approved by the DEP, outline the conditions applicators must follow if applying FPR during inclement winter weather. FPR, a byproduct from food processing, is spread on soil much like manure and helps to increase organic matter and add nutrients in the soil.

Naturally, questions may arise in the community regarding the application of this beneficial organic soil conditioner and fertilizer. We hope to answer many of the questions below.

Q: What is the agreement that was reached with the Pennsylvania DEP and Nicholas Meat?
A: The agreement updates BMPs in accordance with current technology and farming methods that allow for the safe application of FPR during periods of inclement winter weather. Appropriate land application of FPR that follows BMPs and Nutrient Management Plans has always been and will continue to be a priority for Nicholas Meat and the farmers whose fields benefit from the nutrients applied.

Q: Will FPR be applied this winter?
A: To preserve storage space and because the technology provided by the Bazooka Farmstar Shallow-Disc Injection Toolbar is effective at incorporating the FPR into the soil, land application of Nicholas Meat’s FPR will occur while following the agreed upon BMP’s.

Q: Does Nicholas Meat have an alternative to applying FPR to fields in the Loganton area?
A: Yes, the company has storage that may be utilized when conditions are not optimal for land application. Nicholas Meat’s current storage options include two onsite tanks and an offsite tank at another location. Additional offsite storage tanks are currently being constructed to increase storage capacity.

Q: Are there any special requirements that need to be followed as part of the agreement?
A: Yes. Depending on the ground conditions, decreased FPR application rates and increased setbacks may be required. Please see the accompanying table for specifics.

Q: What types of records need to be kept as part of this agreement?
A: Those applying the FPR have maps outlining setback and slope restrictions. They must follow these maps with every application. Additionally, operators file daily records when applying that identify fields, log applications volumes and weather. An annual operations report is also submitted.

Q: What are the advantages of using the Bazooka Toolbar?
A: FPR applications during inclement winter weather will be performed using the Bazooka Farmstar Shallow-Disc Injection Toolbar. Spacing of the toolbar injection nozzles allows for multiple applications on the same field without overlapping previous applications. Note that application will be done on fields having 25% residue cover or a cover crop and operators will allow at least one day of rest between each application on a particular field.

Still have questions? Please email us at info@nicholasmeats.com.