SRF Progress and Conservation Reserve Update

September 20, 2021

Construction of Nicholas Meat’s industry-leading Sustainable Resource Facility (SRF) continues at a steady pace. Quandel Construction Group, Inc. (Quandel), the construction management firm selected by Nicholas Meat to oversee the development of the SRF, has done site work with contractors including clearing trees, removing soil and development of the stormwater management infrastructure. Activity over the next few months, weather permitting, includes installation of the main access road, truck parking lot, site retaining walls and site electrical service. 

“It’s exciting to see the progress taking place on the facility,” said Brian Miller, Director of Sustainability at Nicholas Meat. “It’s great to have Quandel as the construction management firm for this project. We believe Quandel is the right company to help us execute this environmentally conscious project that will bring many benefits to the company and community.” 

Development of the Nicholas Meat Conservation Reserve is also underway and moving forward quickly. The conservation area is compensation for the forested riparian buffer and watercourse impacts that will occur because of the land development needed for the SRF. This new conservation site, totaling 12.03 acres, is protected with a

“Wetlands are being created on the property and with that comes the planting of a wide variety of native wetland grasses. Additionally, a fence surrounding the property will be constructed this fall,” Miller expanded. “In November, we expect to plant almost 2,500 trees. The fence is meant to protect these newly planted trees and wetland vegetation from deer and other wildlife as it gets established.” 

If you have questions about the construction of the SRF or Conservation Reserve, please email